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Number of agricultural enterprises and organizations – 12: CAUE –1 AUE-2 OJSC –7 BRANCH - 2 According to the results of work for the first half of 2024, production growth in the public sector amounted to – 115.5 %;
revenue from sales of products and provision of works and services amounted to 44,577 thousand rubles;
livestock production (breeding) amounted to 3.6 thousand tons;
milk production – 32.3 thousand tons;
milk sales – 29.2 thousand tons;
the number of cattle was 44,376 heads, 100.5% of the level of the previous year, pigs - 12,802 heads, 2.2 times of the level of the previous year;
the number of cows is 15,172 heads, 99.9% of the previous year's level.